Class RepositoryManager

  extended by net.sf.easyweb4j.repository.RepositoryManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, RepositoryProvider

public class RepositoryManager
extends Object
implements RepositoryProvider, Serializable

A repository manager instance manages singleton instances of the different repositories required by the controllers. The singleton instance of the repositories are created lazily when required by the controller handling the request.

Chandra Sekar S
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
RepositoryManager(Map<Class<?>,PersistenceManager> persistenceManagers, Map<Class<?>,PersistenceContextManager> persistenceContextManagers)
          Initializes the repository map, builds the SessionFactory and EntityManagerFactory if appropriate configuration files are found..
Method Summary
 void closePersistence()
          Closes the SessionFactory and the EntityManagerFactory of the application.
 void closePersistenceContext()
          Closes the Hibernate session and JPA EntityManager for the current thread.
 void commit()
          Commits the transaction, if a transaction is currently active.
 void ensureTransaction()
          Begins a transaction.
 Repository<?> getRepository(Class<Repository<?>> repositoryClass)
          Retrieves an instance of the given repository class from the available repositories or creates a new instance.
 void markAsReadOnly()
          Sets the FlushMode of current Session to MANUAL and FlushModeType of current EntityManager to COMMIT.
 void rollback()
          Rolls back the transaction, if a transaction is currently active.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RepositoryManager(Map<Class<?>,PersistenceManager> persistenceManagers,
                         Map<Class<?>,PersistenceContextManager> persistenceContextManagers)
Initializes the repository map, builds the SessionFactory and EntityManagerFactory if appropriate configuration files are found..

Method Detail


public void closePersistenceContext()
Closes the Hibernate session and JPA EntityManager for the current thread.


public void ensureTransaction()
Begins a transaction.


public void commit()
Commits the transaction, if a transaction is currently active.


public void rollback()
Rolls back the transaction, if a transaction is currently active.


public void markAsReadOnly()
Sets the FlushMode of current Session to MANUAL and FlushModeType of current EntityManager to COMMIT. This method is called by Dispatcher before rendering view as all further operations would be reads. This can help in improving performance especially in the case of Hibernate sessions.


public void closePersistence()
Closes the SessionFactory and the EntityManagerFactory of the application.


public Repository<?> getRepository(Class<Repository<?>> repositoryClass)
Retrieves an instance of the given repository class from the available repositories or creates a new instance.

Specified by:
getRepository in interface RepositoryProvider
repositoryClass - The class of the repository to be retrieved.
Existing or new instance of the repository class.
IllegalAccessException - - If creation of new repository fails.
NoSuchFieldException - - If creation of new repository fails.
InstantiationException - - If creation of new repository fails.

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